January 9th, 2008
Mozilla’s Rise Up music video promoting Firefox
by: Sarah

Mozilla made a viral video to promote their already popular web browser. The video on its own is pretty sad, but no matter what I still love Firefox.

The people who have commented on the video already is pretty much saying the same thing, they agree that Firefox is the best, but the video is super cheesy.

Tay Zonday got another break when he was featured in this song. I just had Cherry Chocolate Rain stuck in my head the other day, not that the song is good.

At the end of the video it advertises their campaign website, fightagainstboredom.org, but after trying to go to it I realized it was passworded.

So I searched in Google for it, and the only thing known as of right now is a blog that said that it is password protected by LDAP. Hmm? Having problems with the campaign Mozilla?

Update: So I was searching more into the video, and noticed others were having issues with the music video, and the campaign.  This is what I found to be the problem most people had.

Among the off-beat — and unverifiable — statistics that took shots at IE were those that claimed Firefox users are:

  • 15% more likely to have watched cartoons on TV within the last seven days;
  • 21% less likely to fish.

Also in the mix, however, were several that users called out as far from funny:

  • 23% less likely to have cancer;
  • 25% less likely to have breast cancer;
  • 20% less likely to live with others suffering from cancer.

Later the same article went on to say:

Paul Kim, Mozilla’s vice president of marketing, stepped in to do damage control. “There is no way we would have gone live with a site that mocks cancer victims if there had been a review of these stats beforehand,” said Kim. “Something went seriously wrong with our content development process, and I’m working to clean this up now.” Kim said that the site and the list were supposed to be locked behind a password until they had been checked and approved.

But, why was the sight available and they apologized after all the comments have been made?  Hmm?

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 

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