Tags: Skate, Skate 2, Stake Trailer
We are actually running an insight over on Spiral16 to test the sentiment at the UK launch and how it has changed in the USA launch. So far it’s pretty interesting.
I will do a full case study on the different reactions based on the launch during the second week of December.
Tags: BlackBerry Storm, Commercials, Spiral16
I hate the fake trees and the fresh cut ones are a mess and I prefer having one in my garden.
While doing some searching, I found the PacMan Christmas tree. That is something I could enjoy, If not I might one of of plastic cups.
Tags: Pac Man Tree
Buy it or not, this is the first add specific to the individual notebook. IBM has been doing ads for a while for servers if anyone is taking note.
I had forgotten about this remark, I’m just glad it took over 40 years to get forgiveness, good for Vatican. John Lennon can finally R.I.P.
Here is the full story on .
A young John Lennon said "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus" in 1966. If the world was polled in 1966, I bet it would have been a tight race.
Side note: The imagine video here has been viewed over 16 Million times. You can burn those albums but you can’t burn that YouTube.
Tags: Jesus Christ, john lennon, The Vatican
No surprise here, its from Japan. Here is the Reuters story:
TOKYO (Reuters) – Who said bras are only for women? A Japanese online lingerie retailer is selling bras for cross-dressing men and they’ve quickly become one of its most popular items.
Since launching two weeks ago on Rakuten, a major Japanese web shopping mall, the Wishroom shop has sold over 300 men’s bras for 2,800 yen ($30) each. The shop also stocks men’s panties, as well as lingerie for women.
“I like this tight feeling. It feels good,” Wishroom representative Masayuki Tsuchiya told Reuters as he modeled the bra, which can be worn discreetly under men’s clothing.
Wishroom Executive Director Akiko Okunomiya said she was surprised at the number of men who were looking for their inner woman.
“I think more and more men are becoming interested in bras. Since we launched the men’s bra, we’ve been getting feedback from customers saying ‘wow, we’d been waiting for this for such a long time’,” she said.
But the bra, available in black, pink and white, is not an easy sell for all men.
The underwear has stirred a heated debate online with more than 8,000 people debating the merits of men wearing bras in one night on Mixi, Japan’s top social network website.
Tags: Bra, japan, Manbra, Odd News
As mentioned in previous posts, smart phone commercials are picking up in frequency with the holiday/gift season is on the way.
During a 30min show last Tuesday, iPhone paid prime-time bucks to have 3 ads run. Here are all 3 of them.
Side note, I was outside Ballard last week, getting a burger and fries for the family at Red Mill Burgers (know as one of the best burger joints in Seattle) and I saw a young man holding his iPhone up to the speaker. I didn’t know they had the audio recognition software at the time so it looked a silly but now I get what he was doing.
After seeing the commercial on Tuesday, it made sense to me.
More from Tuesday night:
T-Mobile G1 Email
G1 Commercial | How Fast Can A Shark Swim?
G1 Commercial | What’s Really In A Hotdog?
BlackBerry Storm Coming Soon
Paul Rudd did well also, glad he did, it’s a good thing that a Shawnee Mission West grad from Overland Park, Kansas hosted SNL.
I wasn’t sure how it was going to go but Justin T did a really good job.
Tags: Justin Timberlake, Paul Rudd, snl
When I was still in Kansas City, I would order things from Archie McPhee. Now that I’m in Seattle, Archie McPhee is only about 20min to 2 hours away depending on traffic.
Today I got the Collector’s Edition #75 in the mail today.
It really is a must see store in Ballard, which is one of my favorite towns outside of Seattle. Great restaurants, great stores and best of all Archie McPhee. It’s also the town that all the fishermen from Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel enjoy at Lockspot Cafe.
Don’t forget to check out squirrelunderpants.com, it’s on the cover.
Follow the link for a bizarre video that just makes me want undies for all the naked squirrels out there.
Little more on Archie McPhee from Wikipedia:
Archie McPhee is a Seattle based novelty dealer owned by Mark Pahlow. Begun in the 1970s in Los Angeles as the mail-order business “Accoutrements”, in 1983 it opened a retail outlet dubbed “Archie McPhee” after Pahlow’s wife’s great-uncle.
The company’s line expanded from rubber chickens to glow-in-the-dark aliens, bacon scented air freshener, and hula girl swizzle sticks. It became a popular Seattle tourist destination while maintaining enough counter-cultural credentials that Ben & Jerry’s Wavy Gravy ice cream was introduced at a party on the premises in 1993.
Its kitsch appeal received further national attention from the “Librarian Action Figure”. In 2002 Nancy Pearl told Pahlow over dinner that librarians like herself “perform miracles every day”. Pearl later posed for a 13 cm hard plastic doll, and librarians from all around the world registered their dismay at its “amazing push-button shushing action!”
Pearl has gone on to author two books as well as an international tour and the release of a “delux” edition of her action figure and Archie McPhee has since featured in Scientific American’s “Technology and Business” review and Time Magazine’s fifty coolest websites of 2005.
Tags: Archie McPhee, Ballard, squirrelunderpants.com
I have not investigated enough to know if you can really do the bar code picture to price check but that would be cool.
Tags: G1, google, T-Mobile