September 12th, 2007
Kyla Ebbert On Ellen Today
by: Stuart

We posted the Today Show clip of Kyla Ebbert, which got a huge number of comments, so we figured you might want to see the Ellen clip. I’m not even a casual Ellen Show watcher but it was brought to my attention that Kyla was going to be on.I also do find Ellen very funny, maybe I should watch more often. Pamela Anderson was on right before this.Side note: I do love the old Southwest Airlines commercial from the 70’s in this video.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted September 12th, 2007  in Audio Visual, Celeb News, Entertainment News, Home Entertainment
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39 Responses to “Kyla Ebbert On Ellen Today”
  1. #1 POSTED BY Vl, Sep 13th, 2007 10:26 am

    I’ve seen all 3 appearances - Today, Fox and Ellen (obviously on the internet).
    This is getting funnier and funnier with every show.
    She is much more articulated on Fox then on Today. And on Ellen she even makes couple of jokes. Something like ”I was dressing my self for 20 years, so I don’t need to be lectured by 40 year old man how I should dress” or “I’m not going to buy (from gift shop) I love San Diego T-shirt, I live here.”
    But one thing I noticed in this progression after the disaster on today show, Fox made her stand the entire segment - she was kind of “sitting” on something like barstool with her legs crossed and on Ellen she crossed her legs before she sat down just to make sure there is no another panty shot occurrence on their shows.
    I really want to see how she was dressed ON the plane, not the “edited version” she is feeding to the general public right now.

  2. #2 POSTED BY , Sep 13th, 2007 1:49 pm

    I’ve been playing devil’s advocate with Kyla Ebbert’s story since I read it last week. And I find myself asking questions which lead me to seriously consider if the airlines acted justifiably. The outfit we see Kyla wearing on The Today Show and in The San Diego Union-Tribune is now in its most conservative state. In all likelihood the skirt was higher and the shirt was pulled down so the public could admire the new breast augmentation. While watching the clip from The Today Show I could see clearly see the crotch of Kyla’s white panties.
    Remembering this is in its most conservative state we have to ask ourselves to what degree could this same outfit be in its most liberal state. Is it possible she wasn’t wearing panties? Is it possible her wardrobe was inappropriate? This is a good story because of its shock value and because it involves a local, young college co-ed. If a 300lb man were sitting next to me on a plane in nothing more than a Speedo I would ask a representative of the airlines to address the situation. Is it illegal? No. Inappropriate? Yes.
    If a passenger boarded the plane wearing a shirt with a swastika logo and the phrase I hate niggers, I – a white man – would be offended. It is implied that we as individuals use good judgment when interacting with each other. And when someone doesn’t show good judgment, as is very possible in this situation, we ask a representative of the business to use their good judgment on our behalf. If you go to Kyla’s myspace page, the first photo she chooses to represent herself is her in a black bra and black panties wearing high heels with a few friends dressed the same way.
    What we are doing by giving Kyla so much attention for this story is encouraging some of the same behaviors many of us find nauseating: Litigation because a business refuses to apologize for using what may have been good judgment. Does every business and public place need to outline a proper dress code? If we keep flaming this story from the perspective that Kyla is a victim of big business without first giving the airline the benefit of doubt, we are doing all of ourselves a disservice. It seems to me Kyla enjoys using her new breasts and her body, in general, to get attention and financial reward: her myspace page, Hooters, the lack of wardrobe, her many flights via Southwest, etc… And that is fine in the appropriate venues.
    She is making the circuit on as many of the media outlets which will have her before she ends up nude in December’s issue of a men’s magazine. But before we all feign outrage, I suggest we consider the flip side of this coin. It is possible she was dressed inappropriately. It is legal for a private business to weigh the circumstance and make a judgment. I would much rather Kyla’s stay offended during this media blitz because she didn’t receive an apology than for me to have to succumb to a detailed, written dress code in every public place I go. I prefer to use my own common sense when dressing, and would hope I don’t get pulled aside and asked to change my outfit because it is inappropriate or take a shower because my body odor is intolerable or stop using profanity while drinking too much or any one of many things which are legal but tasteless.
    Kyla was on KGB 101.5 on 09/12 in San Diego. She mentioned she flew with Southwest more than 100 times last year. Why and Where? Vegas perhaps. Also on her original (below) myspace she mentions she is “retired”. From what?

  3. #3 POSTED BY Tony, Sep 17th, 2007 7:36 pm

    you know,the funniest thing this girl is saying is ” Every other girl in college wears this type of outfit.” Yeah and alot of college girls try out for girls gone wild, but does it make it right HELL NO. Get real folks if you wouldn’t let your daughter wear this out in public with you, then shut the hell up and stop supporting her. This girl obviously loves attention and that is all she’s about. You are giving her exactly what she wants and that’s 15 minutes of fame and a page in playboy. when she FINALLY poses for playboy, then tell me what you think of poor Kyla.

  4. #4 POSTED BY RTe, Sep 18th, 2007 2:25 pm

    Look at the smiling lesbo.

  5. #5 POSTED BY Lori, Sep 19th, 2007 12:11 pm

    I am a flight attendant. If her undergarments were showing, I would have asked her to cover up as well. But my own personal thought…..well, it is obvious she doesn’t own a full length mirror.

  6. #6 POSTED BY Mary, Sep 19th, 2007 1:19 pm

    There are two sides to the story. She may have been wearing that outfit, but she WASN”T wearing it that way !!! She is a Hooters Waitress isn’t she?

  7. #7 POSTED BY Lacey, Sep 21st, 2007 2:58 pm

    My sister is a Southwest employ. When i first heard this story I could not belive how many people we defending this girl. If I was on that flight i probably would have been one of the people asking the flight attendant to confront her. To think there were children on the flight that had to see that. What i can’t believe most is the fact that she finds nothing wrong with her outfit. Who in there right mind would wear a mini skirt, see through top, and no panties. I just hope this all goes away, she don’t need the attention and Southwest sure don’t need to worry about anything. What judge would say she’s right??

  8. #8 POSTED BY Mike, Sep 22nd, 2007 12:47 am

    To Lacey: well, it might be a good idea to learn English prior to using it to teach others how to dress.
    As a (very) frequent flier, I am/will try my best to stay away from the Southwest service, especially considering the level of its deterioration.

  9. #9 POSTED BY Sarah, Sep 22nd, 2007 10:29 am

    To Mike: se la vi. To anyone who won’t fly Southwest because of this incident, bye. This is a FAMILY airline. If you want to dress with your business showing then fly Virgin America who seems eager to let these types of people fly. I LUV that Southwest stood up for what is morally right. Kudos to them!!

  10. #10 POSTED BY Sarah, Sep 22nd, 2007 11:19 am

    Sarah, I think the only reason I would not fly Southwest is because of the way they handled the situation. They publicly emmbarassed her and I don’t think that is right. I mean, how would you feel in a situation like that with an entire plane staring at you because you had something that was not up to code.
    I mean, look at Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears… no one would stand up to them and say get off, they would get autographs.
    Just a thought.

  11. #11 POSTED BY lulu, Sep 26th, 2007 1:13 am

  12. Thanks for the info about !

  13. #13 POSTED BY Danny, Oct 1st, 2007 9:08 am

    Hey Sarah, thanks for the info about Virgin America Airlines! I didn’t know that. So long Southwest, hello Virgin America! :-)

  14. #14 POSTED BY random chick, Oct 3rd, 2007 8:29 am

    If she wasn’t wearing any underwear, I certainately would not want to sit on that seat after her. EWWW!

    Besides, if she was “so embarrassed” why is she now telling everyone? She just wants the attention.

  15. #15 POSTED BY margaret, Oct 6th, 2007 6:35 pm

    i wAS on the flight with the young lady in questioin and she was wearing panties. that was the problem, the ticketing agent said she could see the top of her panties peeking out from her skirt. maybe some of you (randomchick etc…) should learn the facts before you comment out of sheer ignorance.

  16. #16 POSTED BY Ashlynn, Oct 12th, 2007 8:10 pm

    Riiiiiight you were on that flight, “Margaret”. If you were, you would have seen that she had the tank top pulled down as far as possible to show off her boob job. She also had the bottom of the tank top rouched-up so you could see her belly ring and her thong. But wait, there’s more. Her skirt was pulled DOWN, not up. She looked like she had that thing glued on (to show off her pubic bone, ewwwwwwwwwww).

    Kyla Ebbert is a skank. She made her outfit look more conservative for tv and for pictures, that’s all. When she wore it that day, she wore it as skanky as possible.

    Anyone that was REALLY on that flight would testify to it.

  17. o.k.

    girl dresses way wrong to fly on a public airline.

    (it was hout out in the southwest usa, go figure how long have you lived in the southwest usa kyla!)

    airline called her on it and she starts to cry.

    girl calls mom crying and they go out and hire attorney.

    when is gloria allred going to join in on this.

    i will not defend kyla or southwest.


    kyla could have chosen to wear another outfit and southwest could have used a lot more discression when speaking with her.

    every one air travel is hard enough on all of us.

    male and female.

  18. #18 POSTED BY d algeo, Nov 9th, 2007 4:05 pm

    I lived in the house next to Kyla and her family for 7 years. Kyla has always been pleasant, but has “always” dressed extremely provacative. There were many days that I witnessed her hooker like clothes and felt sad that this young girl (she was 13 or 14 when I moved next to her)was so misinformed by her mother and father. Her mother dressed similiarily and her father condoned her dressing “less”. “She may as well show it off while she’s got it”. I was disappointed at how much attention this drew and loved how Dr. Phil exposed Kyla’s alterior motives (which I can assure you are driven by her mother). As Americans we should not reward people for behavior which is more self humiliating and try to eliminate the arena we provide for “attention” ….so this does not happen again. Kyla deserves nothing (airline tickets or an apology). It is time someone taught her to treat herself with more respect than being a body or a girl with a “bad reputation”. My heart goes out to her

  19. #19 POSTED BY John Lewis, Nov 11th, 2007 7:58 am

    I think all of you people who are criticizing her are completely ridiculous. Why does some prick from Southwest have the right to deem her wardrobe inappropriate when no one on the plane complained, and on her flight back she wore the same outfit without any problems.
    You need to be a complete moron to feel that she deserved what she got. Should she have worn a burka? People need to grow upand realize that we have a right to wear whatever we want unless it is offensive to anyone else. And since no one on the flight even mentioned her wardrobe, the attendent should have kept his mouth shut.

  20. #20 POSTED BY John Lewis, Nov 11th, 2007 8:04 am

    O and idiots, Southwest doesn’t have a dress code, so they had no right in bringing it up in the first place.

  21. #21 POSTED BY DS, Nov 11th, 2007 4:45 pm

    John, I agree with you. Plus if nobody said anything she would never had all the attention/press she might have been looking for and certainly got.

    I must also say, i find nothing hotter than a burka. Just gets your mind running wild with what might be under that fabric.

  22. Hey why wouldn’t you show Kyla Ebbert’s new Playboy video

    there’s a free copy available about here:

  23. #23 POSTED BY John, Nov 16th, 2007 1:59 am

    She had no panties on! her skirt was below “shave level”. her brand new boobs were were not restrained at all. Customers in the boarding area complained. She was asked to step off of the A/C into the jetway, and had a one/one where she agreed to sit with a blanket that would cover her “coochie”! I’d love it, but folks had complained prior to boarding in the gate area!

  24. #24 POSTED BY KylaKorner, Nov 16th, 2007 7:46 am

    Have you seen her PB pictorial? It’s smoking hot! :)

  25. #25 POSTED BY anonymous, Nov 16th, 2007 10:56 am

    I find it hilarious that she’s retired and under her favorite movies she lists “she makes her own films” via her Myspace profile. That could explain a lot.

    Even more hilarious? She claims to be a college student and her favorite books are The Giving Tree, Love You Forever, and any Cosmo magazine. Last I checked my 1st graders could read the first two and the 3rd isn’t even a book. It’s nice to see where her parents have put their time and energy into raising her. This is what happends when parents raise their little princess up into a reality where you can’t get by on looks for everything and it takes more than being a “cute little princess” to survive in life. Kyla Ebbert is so lost and in denial.

  26. #26 POSTED BY Sylvia, Nov 16th, 2007 12:01 pm

    She seems to like the attention just like her clothes…Common, a female that is a Hooters obviously needs attention and has low self-esteem. Southwest does not need to apologize. Its Southwest Airlines not Playboy Airlines.

  27. #27 POSTED BY jay, Nov 16th, 2007 5:08 pm

    Notice she crosses her legs before she sits down. You could see her poontang if she didn’t.

  28. #28 POSTED BY rich, Nov 16th, 2007 6:07 pm

    Look at these photos.
    You can see her thong 4-5 inches above her skirt under her tank top. It’s all to sell more Playboy issues due to the fact the issue was being discussed while she was tuoring the show circuit.

  29. #29 POSTED BY Jo, Nov 16th, 2007 6:28 pm

    I certainly don’t want to see some chic’s crotch while on trying to fly with my 6 yr old son..totally inappropriate..and “like oh my God, like whatever..they’re like trying to make me wear underwear and totally not hot!” This is a monster of our own making!

  30. #30 POSTED BY Chad, Nov 16th, 2007 8:02 pm

    Why is she wearing a sweater if she says it is hot where she’s at and where she is going? She just wants the attention and unfortunatly she is getting it.

  31. #31 POSTED BY Mike, Nov 17th, 2007 3:59 pm

    anyone know how to get a hold of this woman? she is hot?

  32. #32 POSTED BY Rick Jacobs, Nov 18th, 2007 6:03 am

    .Hey why wouldn’t you show that LEGS IN THE AIR Playboy video with Kyla Ebbert

    There’s a free copy available about here:

  33. #33 POSTED BY Brian, Nov 18th, 2007 7:07 pm

    She looks very old with those bags under her eyes and the fake boobs look as hard as she seems to have been ridden.

  34. #34 POSTED BY Jeff, Nov 18th, 2007 7:12 pm

    She’s a classless, trashy hypocrite. I have just lost a lot of respect for Playboy for publishing photos of that skank. I applaud Southwest airlines for asking that whore to cover up. I would not want to force my children to be subjected to seeing the crabs crawling out of her crotch as she sits in an airplane seat.

  35. #35 POSTED BY Jake, Nov 18th, 2007 7:14 pm

    John Lewis: She obviously offended the attendant. DUH!

  36. #36 POSTED BY , Nov 21st, 2007 1:50 pm

    iwish to say th gal is really splended, i hv gone through her pics tht attracted me alot. on every pics the beauty and sex was rollin down….

  37. #37 POSTED BY Michelle, Nov 27th, 2007 2:04 am

    I saw Miss Ebbert that day at the airport…she is not wearing the outfit the same exact way she wore it that day. I remember seeing her and thinking OMG what would her mother say. I just looked her MySpace page…she is not cute. Southwest is a great airline! They should have handled the situation differently, but she has no class.

  38. #38 POSTED BY Dave, Dec 19th, 2007 12:32 am

    Does anyone know if this gash was wearing panties on that flight?

  39. #39 POSTED BY G$, Dec 29th, 2007 2:30 am

    Bottom line…this is about right or wrong…

    They have no right to do what they did. You people are crazy about defending SW. Great airline…terrible judgement…

    I am from Texas and I have seen this type of outfit before and they are way out of line. Very common…and either way..she should not be subjected to that type of behavior.

    Pathetic…and btw…they have apologized. They were WRONG!

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