April 4th, 2007
Haggis | On Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern
by: Stuart

It’s about time Haggis got some credit. Andrew Zimmern’s show, Bizarre Foods, is an interesting watch (I do hate that he talks with food in his mouth) and hits the UK this week. Being born in England with Scottish genealogy, Haggis has come up more often than I care for. The questions start as soon as an accent is detected.

Where are you from? Why did you move to Kansas? Why do you still have an accent? I have a second cousin that lives in England, maybe you know him? What do you like best, fish and chips or haggis? Now in Seattle, it’s starting up again.

The answer to the last question is fish and chips and I don’t know. Based on what I know (watch the clip) I would NOT like haggis even though my roots are from Scotland.

I’m not big on anything that’s stuffed into intestines. But you must give credit for using all the miscellaneous bits, stuffed into intestine, steamed and served.

So next time someone asks “Do you like Haggis?” I can point them to this post and ask “Would you?”

Bloody awful if you ask me. What, What.


PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted April 4th, 2007  in Uncatagorized

4 Responses to “Haggis | On Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern”
  1. [...] also posted a video clip of Andrew trying out Haggis. Great [...]

  2. #2 POSTED BY mikhyel, Jul 11th, 2007 8:51 am

    …Actually, haggis is really good. No one ever believes me when I say that, but it is.

  3. #3 POSTED BY beverly, Jan 28th, 2008 3:15 pm

    where can I buy haggis In U.S.A.?

  4. #4 POSTED BY Janine, Apr 21st, 2008 12:19 pm

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