January 12th, 2009
Ex-Zillow employees launch Eggsprout
by: Stuart

eggsproutGood luck to these guys and anyone in a startup or looking for a job should read about this one and they are just around the corner from me:

Every so often I come across some entrepreneur who reminds me why it is so much fun covering this beat. That happened Tuesday when I sat down with the energetic founders of Eggsprout, a Bellevue startup that is trying to transform the way people find jobs online.

It wasn’t so much the business. After all, enough people have attempted to revolutionize the job search category over the years(Jobster, anyone?) What caught my attention was the passion and drive exhibited by Brian Ma and Hsu Ken Ooi — the former University of Washington whizzes — that are leading Eggsprout.

They’re young (all five employees are under the age of 25); smart (Ma graduated early from the UW with a dual degree in computer science and electrical engineering); thrifty (the Bellevue basement where they work has limited heat); and hungry (They are foregoing salaries, surviving on chicken nuggets.)

Furthermore, the Eggsprout team — which is launching their service today after months of development and less than $10,000 in startup costs  — are not letting something like the worst economic recession in years stand in their way.

>>> Full Story Here

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