Pizza Hut has just announced a video submission contest to become their Honorary Vice President of Pizza.
Basically, it’s Pizza Hut’s version of Tax Cut’s contest where the public could submit their own ad ideas around a central concept. Pizza Hut’s catch? Make a video proclaiming your love for Pizza Hut pizza.
User-generated content for corporations seems to be quickly gaining a foothold in advertising, much like how “user-generated” reality TV usurped many produced tv shows’ spots 5-10 years ago. Really, it makes perfect sense to the companies that are starting to do this. You have thousands working on your ad campaign instead of one small cadre of . You get publicity not only from airing your final spot, but also from the process leading up to it. And most importantly, you get an ad on the cheap! These prizes awarded are truly a pittance when compared to what it costs to create an ad via the normal route.
Oh, and as of this writing the are terrible, so you might want to consider entering. : ) I mean come on, there’s $25000 and a company car in it for ya.