November 29th, 2007
Verizon Wireless Opens Network | We Add The Pony Commercial
by: Stuart

Verizon has done some very good commercials over the years (many posted here just search Verizon in the upper right) but it’s about time they did something outstanding with the mobile business model…open it up .

I’m not sure what this will end up doing to the mobile market but it’s over due that a large carrier like Verizon made the move.

They sell time and service, why restrict that to just the people that buy your plan and discounted phone. That is short sighted and will end up the same way as long-distance service, dead.

The pony commercial has nothing to do with the story but it’s another good spot from Verizon. Just like mobile service, be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.

More on Miniature Horses here at: L’il Beginnings Miniature Horse International

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 

37 Responses to “Verizon Wireless Opens Network | We Add The Pony Commercial”
  1. While I am very satisfied with my Verizon phone and service, this particular commercial leaves a lot to be desired.

    The American Miniature Horse in this commercial is not a good representation of the breed, nor is the housing and situation it is in and the new “owner” is not desirable for any pet - her parents would have done the horse a favor by just getting her the Verizon phone!

    As a breeder/trainer/exhibitor of American Miniature Horses (I have been involved with horses of all breeds for 38 years), the breed as a whole is generally friendly, willing and able to do a lot more than chew apart a doghouse while spoiled teens contemplate its “nasty” nature.

    We own a Delta Society certified Pet Partner American Miniature Horse who has volunteered her time and services to nursing homes, schools and other civic events in the greater Rochester, NY community for twelve years and she brings a lot of joy to people she meets, without being destructive, messy or mean. Ten percent of all animals that apply for this certification make the grade and our miniature horse was tested under the same conditions that therapy dogs must complete to be allowed to be a Pet Partner. Our horse rides in elevators in nursing homes, has ridden in our Jeep Cherokee to get to her events and has been called the ambassador to the miniature horse breed by her breed registry.

    Her intelligence amazes people - she can answer yes and no to questions, shakes “hands”, gives “kisses”, fetches items on command and she can gauge whether she is visiting a timid child or adult or someone who is not afraid - this was shown on TV in her Animal Planet documentary that aired in 2003. People are surprised to learn that horses can be trained to respond to people with intelligence and kindness.

    It is unsafe to house an American Miniature Horse in a doghouse, and it is unsafe to tie any horse to items that are not secure. While the horse is little, they are quite strong (capable of pulling two adults in a cart)and could easily pull the doghouse out of its location, injuring itself and spectators. The average person might think they can purchase and house a little horse like this in such a manner (after all, if it is on TV, it must be acceptable) but even little horses can drag a doghouse as well as an adult handler.

    I hope Verizon chooses to pull this commercial off the air and either show the American Miniature Horse in a more positive light or just show happy teens grateful to have Verizon service when they truly need it.

    I understand that the message behind the commercial is that more teens would rather have a Verizon phone and service than a pony but there are better ways to get that message across.

    Respectfully submitted,

    D.J. Pullis
    Silversong Farm
    Bloomfield, NY

  2. #2 POSTED BY Kelsey, Nov 30th, 2007 10:06 am

    I think this commercial is hilarious. I have horses as well and I think anyone with common sense knows you can’t put a miniature horse in a dog house, but they are just making their point in a funny manner. I cracked up when I saw it, I love it!

  3. I don’t think the commercial is at all amusing, contrary to Kelly’s view. Unfortunately, as a director of an equine rescue for more than a decade I can confidently say that common sense is in short supply in some segments of the horse owning populace. Yes, there are people out there who will watch the commercial and think that’s the way one keeps a horse, full size or miniature.

    I don’t really get the connection between a Verizon phone and a pony anyway. Too weak to make me consider it as a service provider.

  4. #4 POSTED BY skeeziks, Nov 30th, 2007 1:13 pm

    Oh puleeeez! I own horses, understand equine husbandry and safety but for crying out loud, it’s just a commercial.

    I think it’s funny. Any idiot who takes cues from a COMMERCIAL how to take care of a horse isn’t really going to take the time to learn differently.

    Besides, how in the world is putting a horse in the back seat of a car safe? OMG!

    D.J. do quit taking yourself so seriously.

    BTW, I’m in the market for a miniature horse and your farm is now off the list.

  5. #5 POSTED BY Crunchberry's Mom, Nov 30th, 2007 1:37 pm

    get a clue. it’s a COMMERCIAL! no one in his or her right mind would assume that that horse would fit in the doghouse anyway. *sigh*
    get over it, it’s a FUNNY commercial! i LMAO when i first saw it!

  6. #6 POSTED BY Kelsey, Nov 30th, 2007 1:48 pm

    Yea I don’t think that some people realize they are just making it funny because little girls ask for ponies for christmas. Oh well at least we get it and can see the humor.

    I bet these people never thought the Taco Bell dog was funny either, you know, becuase dogs can’t really talk.

  7. #7 POSTED BY LuLu, Nov 30th, 2007 3:29 pm

    Unbelievable! People- this is a FUNNY commercial. The things that are on tv shows and commercials are not guidelines for how to live! Our society is out of hand if companies are no longer allowed to be FUNNY in their advertisements. I believe, Mr. Pullis, that you put your mini in more danger by putting her in the back seat of your Jeep than the pony in the commercial was in! What world do you live in???
    BTW- I’ve had horses for 30 years!

  8. #8 POSTED BY Crystal, Nov 30th, 2007 3:47 pm

    Really? You guys are getting worked up over this commercial this badly? Get a clue it’s a commercial and commercials use common stereotypes.

    Pedigree keeps insisting their dog food is great and always pictures dogs I assure you have never been fed the crap. I could list many other dog foods that are just as bad and try to present just as shiny an image.

    Rottweilers and pitbulls are constantly used as vicious dogs further perpetuating the bad national image in commercials, movies AND merchandise.

    So if you want to whine at one commercial, get in line at. I can assure you everyone will think the commercial is cute and not go OMG ponies are satan. You think you would be happy as it’s showing that a cute little pony is NOT the thing everyone should have.

  9. #9 POSTED BY KE Malmquist, Nov 30th, 2007 5:46 pm

    I can’t believe you are serious — this is a commercial and it really is funny. Before you blow me off I have owned horses for a long time and if you can’t laugh once in a while then there is something wrong. I thought Verizon did a good job and if anyone should be furious it should be the union representing tweens who don’t have a clue as they are so commercialized…

  10. This add is not funny or entertaining.

    Even a dog should not be confined by a rope or chain.
    The thought that a horse would be confined in this mannner is ludicrous!
    It sets an ignorant tone for the amazing American Miniature Horse.

    I do not mind the stupid teenage girl stereo type as it is accurate.(Or the “tweens” that MALMQUIST” refers to)!
    They are for the most part clueless! I remember being one.
    Thank you for the examples listed above.

    As for LULU’s comment, Do you believe a horse is less safe in the back seat of a car then in a trailer attached to a bumper post of a vehicle?
    You must also be a teen!

    As for Crysal’s comments, do we have a common stereotype for certain breeds of horses, or is Verizon inventing one here?
    I have missed the adds using Pit Bulls or Rottweilers as vicious dogs for the comedic purpose of promoting communication services or anything else!

    Kudos to you Denise Pullis!!

    Thank you for educating us on the incredible American Miniature breed!

  11. #11 POSTED BY Elise Doran, Dec 1st, 2007 11:17 am

    I didn’t like it for many reasons as an animal lover, horse owner and a citizen concerned with healthful development of youth, I find the commercial repulsive for several reasons. I will attempt to explain why this ad gives me a sick feeling in my gut as follows:

    1. The disappointment and disgust portrayed by the girls conveys a lack of respect for the gift giver, whom we might assume are her parents or other family members. Rebellion against authority figures is a standard advertising hook, but when an animal is involved the connotations become downright ugly. One can imagine that the animal in the commercial will be neglected as a result of her dislike of him.

    2. Showing a backyard care arrangement, with a short rope and no visible food or shelter, again causes one to think that this animal will not be cared for adequately. While the intent may have been to connote the “stupidity” of the actors’ parents, relying on that rebellion hook again, it’s not amusing when a living creature suffers.

    3. The portrayal of the pony in the commercial connotes that the animal is undesirable and unintelligent. How dare you offend a living creature, capable of actively interacting with human companions, in such a manner? Furthermore, why would you want to insult every little girl, and former little girls, who dreamed of one day caring for their own pony?

  12. #12 POSTED BY DS, Dec 1st, 2007 2:25 pm

    I’m not sure but the last time i looked, this was a commercial. The message is simple, a young girl finally got what she was asking for since she was a child, a pony. The request was from 10 years ago. Funny right?

    All her friends got what she really wanted. It’s just a commercial and is not going to illicit 100’s of people to go buy miniature ponies, put them in the back yard and tie them up to a dog house.

    Just like the commercial is not going to get a bunch of girls asking to get new phones on the Verizon network.

    If marketing really had that much power over people, it would make our jobs that much easier.

    It’s just a funny commercial and not an animal rights statement. Get over it.

  13. #13 POSTED BY skeeziks, Dec 1st, 2007 2:37 pm

    Holy cripes, Elise, Peggy etc. You are seriously demented people. It’s a joke. I suppose all humor should be modified so that it doesn’t misrepresent anything, situation, life circumstance etc.

    You don’t know that the young woman portrayed in the commercial didn’t express gratitude to the giver for the gift of the pony. I doubt that you’ve never received a gift where you were confused as to the intention of the giver and expressed as much to your friends.

    The representation of the pony’s living situation causes YOU to think that he may not be cared for properly. I thought, “Oh, they tied him up to the dog house, as part of the component of the surprise and they’ll be walking him to the paddock soon.”

    And the pony is NOT suffering; it’s a commercial. In one’s life, one has to differentiate between real life and fantasy.

    I’m more concerned that D.J. Pullis is transporting a horse in the back seat of a car, for crying out loud. Mini or not, it is not safe to put a reasonably large equid inside a vehicle. Yes I do think that it’s safer to haul a horse in a trailer because that is what they were designed to do and have all sorts of safety features for that purpose. Therefore, I don’t really care what type of charitable work he/she is performing. So it’s all a matter of perspective.

    So what if the portrayal makes the animal seem undesirable and unintellegent. Do you think anyone is going to say, “Oh dear, that mini-horse is so very mean, I don’t think I’m going to buy one”? I mean really folks, if someone who could have their mind changed by one commerical A) Doesn’t know horses at all and B) Shouldn’t have one anyway.

    AFAIK, you’re all self-rightious, self-centered morons who take life entirely too seriously.

  14. #14 POSTED BY Justin, Dec 1st, 2007 6:05 pm

    This is a terrible commercial. When you let a miniature horse chew on things such as doghouses, it ruins the meat. Minihorse meat is DELICIOUS, especially when prepared “traditional” style with an apple glaze. To portray these tasty animals eating anything less than the finest organic grasses and grains is setting a dangerous precedent.

    Don’t ruin my minihorse meat, Verizon! Pull this ad!

  15. #15 POSTED BY KE Malmquist, Dec 2nd, 2007 6:36 pm

    By the way, mini-horse people better not watch the Dirty Jobs show that was on Discovery just now (Sunday) as it showed the host at the end of a farrier segment being bitten by a mini-horse. Again, I am sure this will cause an uproar since it was a “mean mini” even though if anyone watched the whole episode would understand some humor.

  16. #16 POSTED BY Sara, Dec 2nd, 2007 11:18 pm

    Get a grip folks, it’s just a commercial, and it is freakin’ funny! I have 2 horses that are well taken care of, but everytime I see this commercial I just have to laugh.

  17. This is still not a funny commercial… granted, some of you posters are “horse people” and know how they behave for the most part but for “Skeeziks” who “took my farm off their list,” be relieved, I wouldn’t sell YOU one for all the money in the world - I am not in the business of selling horses. Also know that for the few horses I have sold, two are in nursery schools where they are part of the curriculum with young children and have been for nine and six years, respectively. One is with another owner who also uses her horse in community service projects. One of those pre-schools is on the Boston’s Best list. We must have done something right. :-)

    I do have a horse trailer now and have had it for years - our mini traveled by car up until the age of 5 without incident - due to her good nature and willingness to work with me.

    MY gripe was about the spoiled brat who got a pony and does not appreciate it for what it is worth. Lots of pets get purchased for the wrong reasons and the animals suffer for it - just check out the rescue organizations after the holidays. That to me is why the commercial is in poor taste, especially at this time of the year….

    And for the folks who think what I do is “dangerous”, do get a grip on your own reality - the “world” I live in is a wonderful place. Twelve years of volunteer community service speaks for itself - I have worked and trained horses from miniatures to drafts for 38 years and went through very rigorous training to complete our Delta Society certification.

    10% of animals who apply make it and our tester gave us the testing under the conditions that dogs have to go through… and we passed. Our horse tolerates sirens, guns, crowds, other animals, even helicopters landing and taking off in close proximity to her, without batting an eyelash. She goes into nursing homes (riding elevators), schools and libraries to share her magic with people…to those who believe and those who cannot believe what they are seeing. When a resident who has not smiled or laughed in years suddenly does that when they touch a gentle miniature horse, it is priceless. The tears on their aides’ faces attested to that.

    When a kid with cancer who has lost all her hair can run up to a mini and just give it a hug around its neck and the mini accepts it quietly with patience and love, you know something special is happening.

    When a student who is struggling with learning disabilities and his/her social skills opens up because they touched a miniature horse, you never know how far the student will go from there… students we met with last week are already talking about how they can incorporate our miniature in their internship visits to a nursing home and I have seen more smiles and happiness in their faces when I speak with them.

    When a student can read a book to a horse (or other therapy animal), who knows what that confidence can build in that student’s life.

    Now, part of that is that one has to know the ability of the horse being trained, be able to read its body language and interpret what the horse is thinking and wants - I know when mine has to “use the facilities” on her horse trailer and we can go outside for potty breaks. Mine will also tell me when she just needs a break from her social engagements.

    I do own other horses that could never do what our one mini and her children do. Sometimes a horse comes along that is just simply, a miracle and a gift and it takes wise people to understand it. My other minis are talented in their own rights and were they to be owned by someone else like a bratty teen, they might be misunderstood.

    To Lulu and Skeeziks, I am sorry if you don’t believe. Someday, may you feel the magic in your worlds.

    Thank you Cris May, Elise Doran and Peggy for clearly summing up my feelings… and Justin, I CAN appreciate your humor!

    Happy holidays to all!

  18. #18 POSTED BY Justin, Dec 3rd, 2007 6:04 pm

    I’m not sure I understand what you meant by my “humor”, DJ. I actually do love the taste of horse meat. Full-size horses have a venison-like flavor, which I like well enough, but mini-horses are great in that they lose some of that gamey-taste, especially if you marinate for 24 hours.

    For those interested, the back and flank steaks are especially desirable (cuts “S” and “Z” in photograph below).. Bon appetit!

  19. #19 POSTED BY Justin, Dec 3rd, 2007 6:05 pm

    My apologies.. the image didn’t come through.. here’s a link.

  20. [...] the Verizon mini horse escapade happening I just thought it was funny to see another mini horse.  Are people giving these [...]

  21. #21 POSTED BY Zosh, Dec 4th, 2007 8:38 pm

    Guess what, you morons! Those girls really aren’t friends. They are actresses. The horse doesn’t belong to the right on the right and it didn’t really bite her. And 500 Verizon technicians weren’t standing in the back yard behind the actor who says, “Can you hear me now.”

    This is a commercial designed to get your attention and tell you what a great gift a Verizon phone is. It’s not a recommendation to give a teen a horse, it’s not a comment on race relations, it’s not a documentary on the care are feeding of equines.

    It’s NOT REAL! And your inability to distinguish reality from illusion serious calls into question your sanity!

  22. #22 POSTED BY brian, Dec 4th, 2007 9:05 pm

    Is the girl with the curly hair on this commercial “bonnie Dennison” she played a teenager on “Third watch”?

  23. #23 POSTED BY April, Dec 4th, 2007 9:50 pm

    I have horses too, and I understand that this is only a commercial. Heck, I even have a Verizon phone, but I don’t like this commercial in the least. Just one more reminder of how spoiled todays kids are and how much crap they have to have. I’d take the pony over the phone any day.

  24. #24 POSTED BY Don, Dec 5th, 2007 9:12 am

    So, Peggy doesn’t mind the “stupid teenage girl stereo type”, but don’t make a horse look bad. It is a silly ad, not a documentary. I laugh every time I see it. Life is short, don’t work so hard at getting offended.

  25. #25 POSTED BY Justin, Dec 5th, 2007 3:13 pm


    To get internet access through a pony, you have to do weird manipulations of their genitals.

    I’ll take the phone.

  26. #26 POSTED BY Sarah, Dec 5th, 2007 6:08 pm

    Who wouldn’t take a phone over a pony these days… Heck, I love horses, but a phone is way more efficient… You may not be able to ride a phone, but you sure can call a cab.

  27. #27 POSTED BY Ed Stanley, Dec 5th, 2007 6:31 pm

    This ad is not only hilarious, it is brilliant! The portrayal of ponies as evil and dangerous as opposed to being cute and adorable and something every little girl wants for Christmas contains just the right amount of contrast to make it VERY FUNNY. Those who don’t get it just don’t. For me, it confirmed what I have long felt about most animals in general and equines in particular. I hate horses. If it were up to me…never mind. I suppose as long as they keep making western movies they will need some horses.

  28. #28 POSTED BY Verizon fan, Dec 6th, 2007 9:02 pm

    Does anyone know who the girl with the pony is?
    she looks like someone very familiar like she was on a tv show before if so please help, it has been bothering me like crazy every time i see the commercial. thanx

  29. #29 POSTED BY Rod Munch, Dec 9th, 2007 1:03 pm

    2 of those chicks are HOT. All of your pony and horse-lovers out there, I have one word for you… GLUE. That is all these big, dumb, dangerous, smelly animals are good for!

  30. #30 POSTED BY dennis, Dec 14th, 2007 8:52 pm

    Some (not all) horse people are weird, they sure are another breed! ROFL!

  31. #31 POSTED BY Mike, Dec 20th, 2007 9:00 am

    D.J. Pullis, you are still not getting the point about any of this. IT IS A COMMERCIAL!!!!! It has nothing to do with portraying horses, cell phones, teenagers or holidays in any way at all. THEY ARE TRYING TO SELL A PRODUCT!!! You need to stop taking it so personal. As a matter of fact, I doubt Verizon even thought about you when the made it. Some people will use anything to jump at the chance to get on thier “high horse”. Pun intended.

  32. #32 POSTED BY Dan, Dec 20th, 2007 10:47 am

    Wow!! I never realized a mini horse would eat a dog house. I have leasrned So much from this and other commercials. I hope there is a follow up. I was curious if the misunderstood little beastie would be more comfy in a turtle shell covered sand box. Verizon help me out here! I have to go now. I am running to the zoo to give a cute little polar bear a Coke. Then I am heading out to play poker with a few dogs..I know they cheat! Oh man, a gorrila stole my Samsonite suitcase!!! Do I own the only Chihuahua that does not like Mexican food?

    Also as a computer owner and builder, I am horrified and offended that people would use them to respond in forums. The PC should be a learning tool. Please people use them as intended, mindless card games. My mouse ran off his little pad again, I better find him.

  33. #33 POSTED BY Marc, Dec 21st, 2007 3:02 pm

    It’s quite an interesting debate that we have going on here - is it funny? Is it Anti-Equinetic? (Eh-quinn-eh-tic)

    What I don’t see in the posts is any addressing the REAL ISSUE. The stalking of teenage girls. There must be thousands of people in gang colors just following these teenage girls around, listening to their phone conversations.

    This type of STALKING has got to stop!

    or am I being silly? How could anyone have gotten that they verizon network stalks it’s users from the commercials.

    Really people, are you all just speaking to hear your self speak?

  34. #34 POSTED BY og, Dec 24th, 2007 8:52 pm

    I can’t believe the subjects people wast thier time TALKING ABOUT! MY GOD GET A F@*$#NG LIFE!

  35. #35 POSTED BY Sarah, Dec 26th, 2007 2:55 pm

    Good point Marc!

    Lets put an end to the Verizon Stalking!!!

  36. [...] This is so cool. I have seen miniature ponies, we have even posted a commercial that got some people leaving lots of comments: Verizon Pony Commercial [...]

  37. [...] Verizon Wireless Opens Network | We Add The Pony Commercial– This got some insanely funny commentary, worth a look-see [...]

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