The Suns have opened up two new locations on their Virtual Locker Room, the Players Lounge and the Training Room.
I went straight for the Training Room and at first glance it seemed O.K. The loading for everything is a bit quicker than before, but still is unappealing for people who just came to check it out. When you enter the Training Room you first hear Sean Marks say “I can’t feel my feet” as he sits in an ice bath. If you go to the right you get to watch Dan Majerle ride stationary bike.
After the Training Room I hit up the Players Lounge and played some billiards with Shaq, or rather just clicked the table and it did its little flash thing. Over on the computer the Suns Dancers have a solitaire game, but it isn’t like normal solitaire, it lets you put red on red and black on black, so it is super easy and super boring. Go click on the TV and play a frogger-style Gorilla game.
Overall the site is slow, and boring. Check it out for yourself, but I do not believe it is worth the wait involved. The majority of the slowness comes from the lame green screen’s that the players do, which all pretty much lagged out when I went to the site.
Tags: dan majerle, locker room, Phoenix Suns, player lounge, sean marks, suns dancers, The Suns, training room, VLRT
MSNBC had this bulleted list over on an article of theres, this is what the critics seem to be going nuts over:
- Shaq can’t play anymore.
- He’s not going to be satisfied just being a defensive player and inbounder.
- He’s too slow to keep up with the Suns speed and fast break.
- Western teams play small and who will he defend?
- He’s out of shape and always injured.
- D’Antoni doesn’t like a postup or halfcourt game, which was Shaq’s specialty when he was the Big Diesel.
- He was complaining about his touches even in Miami.
- Are you taking the ball out of Steve Nash’s hands to run offense through Shaq?
- Shaq didn’t defend the pick and roll even in L.A.
- Marion was the Suns best defender.
- It’s just an overreaction to the Lakers getting Pau Gasol and the Mavericks reportedly trying to get Shaq in their game, which does feature more half court.
Shaq’s big thing is that he is big, which can be a good thing, but in this case it is not. Being big on a basketball court just allows your to block super well, but the Suns big thing is that they have an incredibly fast offense, will Shaq slow them down?
I remember Shaq from the old days, back from when everyone worshiped him and tolerated his horrible video game skills in Shaq-Fu. Now a days, Shaq just might be out of gas.
Now that the Suns have their Virtual Locker Room up, what do you think the chances of seeing some Shaq memorabilia around, you know like a Kazaam poster or a flash version of the Shaq-Fu game?
Tags: heat, kazaam, lakers, miami heat, oneal, Phoenix Suns, shaq, shaq trade, shaq-fu, shaqfu, shaquille, shaquille o'neal, Suns, suns vlrt, Virtual Locker Room Tour, VLRT
Click on the image to get to tinker around on their interactive site, be sure to read the news ticker at the top, few funnies there. In the mean while, watch their advert with Peyton and Eli Manning. DSRL IS HERE!
Tags: Double Stuf Racing League, DSLR, DSRL, Eli Manning, Oreos, Peyton Manning, Virtual Locker Room Tour, VLRT, VLTR