Oh boy, these kids are in serious need of education. Florida teenagers believe that drinking a cap full of bleach will prevent HIV. They also believe that a shot of Mountain Dew will stop pregnancy. Those are a couple of ludacris ideas, shit, if it were that easy to abort a fetus, what would be the purpose of abortion clinics? Bring on the Mountain Dew!
Florida lawmakers believe that the lack of actual sex-ed to make way for abstinence only sex-ed is the reason for these ideas. But honestly, I am sure you could go to any 13-15 year old in any state and ask them these questions and you would get a large sum of kids who have no idea what the truth is. I think that of the people surveyed they asked a bunch of morons.
Teach these kids something for Pete’s sake!!
As for ridding the education system of classes like Sex Education is absolutely asinine, the abstinence only method is completely opposite of what you should do. Teaching kids the risks and the consequences of their actions would help their stupidity issues, and their lack of sexual knowledge issues…
Tags: bleach, florida, hiv, pregnancy, stupidity