How would you handle a monster like this?
The cop seemed like he had been waiting to use that thing since he got it!
Brutal fall!
Tags: girl gets tasered, police, police taser, taser incident
I just read over at Engadget about more crazy police officers. Any suspicious movements can have the feds pointing the barrels of their guns straight at you. When UK’s Darren Nixon, the mild-mannered mechanic, was on his way home from work when he was surrounded by police, with guns drawn. He apparently appeared to have a gun in his pocket, when all he really had was his 4GB Philips GoGear.
The police went through the trouble of tracking him on CCTV, arresting at gunpoint, swabbed for DNA, fingerprinting and throwing Nixon in a cell. Sounds like a lot of work for this simple misunderstanding, I mean, his music probably was bad but it definitely does not warrant that much work.
After the team of Mentat cops realized their mistake, they couldn’t even offer an apology, said Nixon, “They just dropped me off at home and said a quick ’sorry for any inconvenience’, and that was all I got from them, which I thought was pretty out of order.”
Tags: 4 gb philips gogear, cctv, mp3, mp3 player, police