July 8th, 2008
put out another video just the other day, involving 15 sets of twins. Their idea was to create a human mirror and see how long it takes the passengers to notice. The reactions are always priceless, especially when they think they understand. This isn’t one of their best, but it is a pretty humorous. Good job to all the twins who worked on this, sometimes it’s difficult to copy someone exactly.
Other Improv Everywhere’s:
Improv Everywhere - Best Game Ever
Here is another Improv Everywhere
WiFi Desktop - Improv Everywhere
Frozen Grand Central - Improv Everywhere
PERMALINK :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Info: Posted July 8th, 2008 in Audio Visual, Internet, Random News, Video
Tags: human mirror, improv everywhere, New York
Tags: human mirror, improv everywhere, New York