September 2nd, 2007
In message boards and blogs the debate of who is the best looking wife is going on.
Here is a little video to follow up some of our previous Chief post to help the debate continue.
It’s funny to me that the show is really good but one of the focus points in October or Kelli.
The web is a crazy and wondrous place. BTW - October gets my votes (if I can be that shallow).
Previous Posts:
October Gonzalez Photos | Kansas City Chiefs Home Field Advantage | Hard Knocks: KC Chiefs Tony & October Gonzalez
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Info: Posted September 2nd, 2007 in Entertainment News, Gaming, Home Entertainment, Infectious Media, Newsmakers
Tags: HBO Hard Knocks, KC Chiefs, Kelli Croyle, October Gonzales, Tony Gonzales
Tags: HBO Hard Knocks, KC Chiefs, Kelli Croyle, October Gonzales, Tony Gonzales