That one was a Chicago Bears focused and we just got our hands on the NASCAR version.
Similar in many ways but no less kick ass. The spokesman just has a very non-typical delivery that makes these wonderful for me.
I would have loved to be in the room for this commercial pitch, selling the story boards and getting the buy off.
These are some of my favorites of 2007, keep it up Fathead.
Tags: Fathead, Great Commercials, NASCAR
The style, the tone, the art direction are just fantastic for this product.
Fathead sells giant, larger than life, vinyl decals that you can stick on your wall.
Cool idea for the sports fans that wants to show off pride (as this commercial starts off with) but the commentary and style of the commercial get me.
Very cool mix of tone, imagery and style of “bear fan” combined with fire breathing bear and attitude of host.
Very well done Fathead, great commercial for something I probably never buy, but certainly made me take note.
Tags: bear, decals, Fathead, fire, kick ass, Sports