May 31st, 2008
Sex and the City Movie
by: Sarah

Sex and the City: The Movie

Update:  I just bought the soundtrack and I LOVE it!!

I went to see Sex and the City on Friday night and I have to say that it was everything that I hoped it would be.   I was delighted to see the characters back together and in their normal glamourous style!  I won’t reveal any details on movie, but I will admit that I did cry, gasp, laugh.  Not everything was fun and games, just like in the series, the drama was large and I ended up mad at four characters at some point in the movie.

Go watch the movie, it is well worth the $10.00 fee!

December over on our sister site Razorfine did up a little review for the release, but I disagree with the rating personally, I’d give it at least a 4.5.  Plus, she goes off on the fact that her neighbors in the theater made her have a bad experience.

Sex and the City is growing nearer

Sex and the City - One blogger’s reaction to Samantha hitting the west coast

Sex and the City movie photos

Sex and the City Extended Trailer MAY 30th!

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     ::