June 4th, 2008
TBS interrupts Family Guy to advertise Bill Engval
by: Sarah

Oh my!  What is happening to our precious television?  I just saw over on BoingBoing that TBS has started using a new way to interrupt your t.v. viewing.  

Did you see that?!  What are they doing?  Hell, even when a “Breaking News” report interrupts my favorite t.v. show I get a little upset.

Plus, the paused Family Guy to advertise a less than worthy television show.  I like Bill Engval as a comedian on stage with the rest of the Blue Collar guys, but not in a sitcom.  All in all, I am totally unimpressed with the new advertising blocks.  What do you guys think?

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted June 4th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Entertainment News, Video
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March 18th, 2008
I Love My Mac Music Video
by: Sarah

This “lovely young woman Tonya” was featured on BoingBoing yesterday for her “I love my Mac” music video.  The blogger over there had said:

Speaking as a daily Mac user myself, kudos to this lovely young woman Tonya who has completely captured the ethos and spirit of the average Mac user. Mac users can be dorky, too, haters!

To be quite honest though, I am a daily Mac user and the first thing that came to mind is, “how obnoxious it is for other Mac users to beat that stereotype.”   I take my Mac nearly everywhere, but I definitely don’t act like an ass in the process.  Granted, my Mac is better than the Windows options, but that is my opinion.  I cannot stand those Mac users who think they are higher than thou just because they have a Mac.  On top of that, who wants to be known for being dorky?

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
January 14th, 2008
Woman sues her drug dealer
by: Sarah

methamphetamineYes, it is possible to sue your drug dealer now just in case anyone wondered.

I read on BoingBoing about this 23 year-old woman who sued her drug dealer for negligence after purchasing crystal methamphetamine from her life long friend Clinton Davey.  Sandra Bergen suffered a heart attack and spent eleven days in a coma after OD’ing on the drug.

Bergen is seeking $50,000 in compensation, and the judge is still debating how much she should receive from the dealer.

I can’t believe she won, she voluntarily took the drug, knowing what could happen, then she has the nerve to blame all the ill-effects on her drug dealer.

Link for original article.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted January 14th, 2008  in Drugs
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