October 26th, 2008
Toyota Saved By Zero
by: Stuart

This one from Toyota will show up in my top 10 worst by major brands.

I’m happy to hear music that was popular (even if it was a one hit wonder, The Fixx had several) show up in commercials. But this drives me nuts. I hated the song then and even more now.

Guys/girls making commercials today listened to the music of the 80’s and 90’s. Some have gone into advertising and now the music is making its way into commercials today.

Problem with this one, it’s totally unimaginative and they have used a song by The Fixx that was not great to begin with (One Thing Leads to Another was better, if I was pushed to say my favorite from them) but just happens to have the lyrics “saved by zero” in it so it was an easy…really easy pick.The_Fixx_-_Reach_the_Beach

I didn’t know this but they are still making music, I hope they are getting paid well for this bad commercial. The Fixx deserve something for keeping it going this long.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted October 26th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Culture, Transportation, Video
Tags: , ,
July 28th, 2008
E|Trade Baby - Bad Commercials Repost
by: Stuart

We often post ads that we like or find interesting for some reason or another but this is a different story.

This ETrade ad sucks. The concept of a talking baby was old after “Look Who’s Talking” and even older after “Look Who’s Talking Too and Baby Geniuses” (I can’t remember if the babies mouths moved in all of those bad movies but you get the point).

The web cam video effect is bad and the writing is horrid “bad girl…hey girl can I hit you back…” I’m sorry if you think this one is cute but I think its a waste of advertising dollars and represents the brand in a poor light.

I don’t play the stock market and this type of ad is definitely not going to make we want to put any money into a company that thinks a talking baby is a good spokesperson…so easy a baby can do it, it’s child’s play…whatever the sales pitch was to do this ad, it doesn’t work.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted July 28th, 2008  in Bad Media
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July 28th, 2008
Finallyfast.com | Bad Commercial
by: Stuart

This is just plain awful. 

Get a digital video camera and some video editing software and you are done.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted July 28th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Bad Media
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July 28th, 2008
Enzyte | For Guys With Little Dongs - Bad Commercials
by: Stuart

I think these are bad commercials but I do love how deliberate the voice over is. So this is a BIG bittersweet bad commercial. Funny in a bad way, a sad way.

Here are some of the overtly suggestive and tacky copy points:
“Bob gets a BIG lift from Enzyte”
Visual “Gain with arrow pointing up”
“Enzyte is FIRMLY the #1 selling brand…”
Visual “BIG IS GOOD”
Visual “Join Bob…images of WOOD”
“Enjoy the FULL, ROBUST confidence..”

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted July 28th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Bad Media, Medical
Tags: , ,
July 28th, 2008
USA Chat - Bad Commercial
by: Stuart

Here is one of the worst of the bad hot girls wanting to chat commercials.

I love the casting and the conversations, the are the best of the worst.

I’m not going to provide the link to this one, just call the provided info in the commercial if you really need to chat to one of the lovely ladies.

I’m sure it’s not some nasty beast in a stained tank-top eating a corndog dipped in French’s mustard in some basement in Oklahoma.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted July 28th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Bad Media
Tags: ,
July 28th, 2008
Don’t Copy That Floppy | Bad Commercials
by: Stuart

One of the worst ever info/commercials ever made.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted July 28th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Bad Media, Infectious Media
July 28th, 2008
Bad Commercials Monday
by: Stuart

We often post the stuff we like, love and even admire. Sometimes that’s commercials, trends or gadgets but this Monday is going to be only stuff that we don’t like.

It will only be a few things but Monday seems like the right day and we have some misc crap we need to post anyway.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted July 28th, 2008  in Bad Media