March 30th, 2007
Student Punished for Spaghetti Religion
by: The Good Reverend

Very on a kid that was kicked out of school for dressing like a pirate… in accordance with his religious beliefs.

This is unfortunately an American incident being reported on a UK site, further making us look like a bunch of morons over here.

A bit from the article:

Pastafarians follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster (pictured), and believe that the world was created by the touch of his noodly appendage. Furthermore, they acknowledge pirates as being ‘absolute divine beings’, and stress that the worldwide decline in the number of pirates has directly led to global warming.

Just awesome.  I used to be completely “spagnostic”, but am starting to come around to the belief in the Spaghetti Monster as the one true god.  Be sure to read the humorous history of this most excellent parody religion.


PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted March 30th, 2007  in Dragon Head News, Social Networks

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