August 14th, 2006
In my opinion, nothing says “Gay Pride” like 70,000 liters of paint, 33 sextuple cluster bombs, and 300 meters of pipe. Yeah, that’s hot…
Okay, so this clip is the new Sony Bravia “Colour Like No Other” ad by Bravia Advert and actually has nothing to do with gay buildings. Nevertheless, this building totally got rainbowfied. Very cool to watch. My question is, What’s up with the paint at the end? The building explodes in color up the side and ends up shooting a wad of paint (sorry) about 30 feet into the air… which quickly catches a breeze and bukkakes the building to the left. I can just imagine the building owner - “Whoa, that’s coo…HEY-WHAT-THE-FU..!!”
PERMALINK :: :: :: :: :: :: ::