March 2nd, 2008
Sex and the City movie photos
by: Sarah

Since Sex and the City is such a hot item right now, here is a link to a bunch of pictures. I still am super pumped for the May release, and probably will update here and there until the release [possibly write a review afterwards as well] so please check back for more information!!

Here are a couple of pictures I liked:

sex and the city ad placement

I liked this photo since it showed so much drama, I wonder what is going on in this scene! Plus, check out the hard core Vitamin Water ad placement.

sex and the city the new girls

This photo is good as well, the four girls all fawning over the beautiful and talented writer, Carrie Bradshaw. Priceless, plus they are the new girls, identical to the original four. Hmm, I wonder what is going to happen there?

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 

One Response to “Sex and the City movie photos”
  1. [...] Sex and the City movie photos Sex and the City Extended Trailer MAY 30th! PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::   Email This Post  ::  Info: Posted April 9th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Blogging, Entertainment News, Internet, Video Tags: kim cattrall, samantha, sex and the city, sex and the city movie, Smith [...]

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