January 5th, 2006
by: Stuart

This makes that Duracell Penguin commercial look so yesterday (and it was posted today). Remote controlled roaches, you have to read this one. Japan was worried about upskirt pictures with cell phones. Imagine what a twisted mind could do with remote controlled roaches.

Within a few years, Shimoyama says, electronically controlled insects carrying mini-cameras or other sensory devices could be used for a variety of sensitive missions - like crawling through earthquake rubble to search for victims, or slipping under doors on espionage surveillance.

Originally found on Transbuddha’s IntraWeb Sausage: Fat-Free Links section.

Also check out the Roach Coach we posted on June 09, 2005.


PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted January 5th, 2006  in Gadgets, Pure Science, Robots, Science and Technology, Transportation, Wireless

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