February 1st, 2008
Responses | Colbert makes it to the Smithsonian
by: Sarah

Here is a video someone submitted to me on the responses to Colbert being in the Smithsonian.

Back about two weeks ago I wrote about Colbert hoping and wishing to be among the Presidents, of our fine nation, in the Smithsonian. Well he finally did it, and when they let him in, they put his portrait between the bathrooms.

I don’t know if the museum director thought this out or not, but putting him in a controversial spot made him more popular. Although, as with anyone, there are some for and some against Colbert being president. You hear some say yes and others no, but people still flock to his picture.

Go Colbert!!

Colbert makes it into the Smithsonian

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 

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