October 25th, 2007
Personally I like this commercial more out of the others shown so far because it brings actual work into it, not just businessmen or a guy forgetting a name.
I was looking into an iPhone, not just because it is a neat tool to have but also to keep up with websites that I cannot get on my current phone, such as this one.
PERMALINK :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Info: Posted October 25th, 2007 in Advertising and Marketing, Blogging, Cellphones, Commercials, Gadgets, Infectious Media, Internet, Marketing, Mobile, Science and Technology, The Internet, Video, Wireless
8 Responses to “iPhone Street Commercial | Blogger; The Winger”
[…] DHADM placed an observative post today on iPhone Street Commercial | Blogger; The WingerHere’s a quick excerpt […]
[…] DHADM wrote an interesting post today on iPhone Street Commercial | Blogger; The WingerHere’s a quick excerpt [See post to watch Flash video]In a world of technology being connected is one of the top … with her iPhone. Personally I like this commercial more out of the others shown so far because it brings actual work into it, not just businessmen or a guy forgetting a name. I was looking into an iPhone […]
These commercials must be funded by AT&T. They don’t have the creative interest that Apple would apply if they owned the ad budget.
Apple has done some wonderful spots and these don’t cut it.
True, but out of the other street commercials this is the one I personally like. The older mac commercials were way better :)
[…] iPhone Street Commerical | Blogger; The Winger […]
I don’t buy this one for one second. #1 she is way to heavy to be a ballerina (and I pray that it were real and they are really letting them eat again), and #2 it’s just too staged for me.
Do you think maybe she blends into the background too much to see how thin or not thin she is?
Well true, you CAN only see her when they zoom in. They did have to make her look like a ballerina.