February 8th, 2006
Gas Station Bathrooms — Not Just For Britney Spears
by: Alex

We finally have to admit it.  We’ve been duped by the nanotech industry.  “Follow us,” they said, “we’ll give you self-mowing lawns, houses that can change color at the flip of a switch, and self-assembling goods of all kinds.  Microscopic robots will scrub cholesterol from your arteries, and cotton candy and ribeye steaks will grow on trees.” So what do we get?  Droplets that move slightly to the left, and bathrooms that clean themselves.

(No, this isn’t some kind of desperate bong; it’s the Toilet Snorkel)

So here’s the deal — there’s a new surface coating being developed at the University of New South Wales which will kill microbes when it is exposed to UV, and the surface is superhydrophilic, so water just sheets right off taking dead microbes with it.  They don’t quite have it working with indoor light yet, so Britney will need to keep her shoes on in the bathroom for a few more years.


PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted February 8th, 2006  in Nanotechnology, Science and Technology

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