May 15th, 2008
David Cooke from American Idol hits up the Kansas City area
by: Sarah

Oh boy oh boy!! Who went to his concert? Not me, I was working, though my boss and I were thinking of closing shop. To be honest though, I don’t watch American Idol, I don’t have the patience or the time, except for auditions and the funny bits at the end. But David Cooke certainly is a good singer.  He just spent his time back in Kansas City riding in limos, singing at free concerts and enjoying a parade in his honor.

Gotta love that girl who is bawling as he signs her piece of poster board.  I just don’t understand the emotions behind the screaming and tears of die hard fans.  I only enjoy it because that person looks completely ridiculous.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 

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