August 10th, 2007
Cingular AT&T Dropped Calls | Meat Dept.
by: Stuart

This is one of the funniest dropped call spots from AT&T Cingular.

The butcher has some great lines and the level of discomfort are really good in this one.

I like the brand merge but isn’t about time to drop one of them. Switch it all over to AT&T.

The site has switched, I think it’s time to drop it from the campaign. Let the creative be the connection.

PERMALINK ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::     :: 
Info: Posted August 10th, 2007  in Advertising and Marketing, Cellphones, Marketing, Mobile, Mobility, Services

21 Responses to “Cingular AT&T Dropped Calls | Meat Dept.”
  1. #1 POSTED BY Teresa, Oct 20th, 2007 1:52 am

    YAY I have been looking for this commercial since the 1st time I saw it over a month ago. This in my top fav for commercials. I love it. Thanks for posting it! ~Teresa

  2. #2 POSTED BY Schmoe, Oct 20th, 2007 4:34 pm

    easily the funniest commercial on tv. i laugh until i cry every time i see this. good things

  3. Ditto what the other two said. I can’t get enough! I laugh every freakin’ time!

  4. I love it, this ones great! Check out another commercial classic . . . (Chevy Malibu bank Robbery)

  5. #5 POSTED BY Lantz, Nov 1st, 2007 6:43 pm

    hey can i get a copy of this its for a project i’m doing

  6. [...] spot (and one of the best ever, imo), but it isn’t uploaded … you’ll have to go here to view AT&T/Cingular’s “Meat Department.” Kenny’s face during the silent laugh …classic. Honestly, I’m smiling as I type [...]

  7. [...] I couldn’t find this on You Tube but you can watch it here. [...]

  8. #8 POSTED BY Tony, Nov 6th, 2007 2:26 am

    thank you sooo much for posting this ive been looking forever for this funny vid…..i tried youtube, yahoo, myspace, and google video nothing…..but now i watch it over and over….thanx

  9. #9 POSTED BY DS, Nov 6th, 2007 4:37 pm

    I’m glad you found it here. I really like this one, the best in the dropped calls series.

  10. #10 POSTED BY joe, Nov 13th, 2007 7:13 pm

    This is my favorite commercial of all time!!!! Thank you so much! I’m an old timer, so, can any of you young kids tell me how to save this to my computer? Thank you!

  11. Amazing commercial in did! BBDO WEST Advertising produced the spot and Marcello Daciano Directed it. He also worked with BBDO Advertising Milano in 1998 For a NOKIA Commercial.

  12. #12 POSTED BY TKPOPEYE, Nov 16th, 2007 11:28 am

    I would say that the best part of the commercial IS the ’silent laugh’. The guy is cracking up at the insult of his wife, yet the POOR Butcher has no clue that the other guy is laughing hysterically. Definitely, by far, the best commercial that I’ve seen in a while.

  13. #13 POSTED BY Meghan, Nov 18th, 2007 11:48 pm

    I love the guy’s teeth that does the silent laugh. Pause it at that part, you will die laughing

  14. #14 POSTED BY DS, Nov 19th, 2007 1:48 am

    The guys teeth are a great shot, glad it made the cut. Very funny.

  15. #15 POSTED BY Gary, Nov 22nd, 2007 11:44 am

    Thanks for posting this…..

    I watch it over and over and over,,,my wife just shakes her head but I laugh harder each time I see it..!!

  16. #16 POSTED BY Heino, Dec 5th, 2007 4:36 pm

    Pure comic genius in the writing. The casting was flawless also. That big toothy laugh, and the sheer panic the other guy has in his words - just pure genius.

  17. #17 POSTED BY mark, Dec 14th, 2007 1:00 pm

    Awesome! I can’t believe this isn’t on youtube. I don’t have Facebook. Is there any way to put it on MySpace?

  18. #18 POSTED BY ANGELO, Dec 23rd, 2007 5:04 pm

    I’m trying to win a bet! I think the guy who’s wife ate the beef is Larry Drake from L.A. law(benny) among other things, but can’t find verification. Can anybody help ? Thanks

  19. #19 POSTED BY Billy, Mar 21st, 2008 7:04 pm

    This is a fantastic commercial! I never got tired of seeing this and laughed everytime. In fact, all of the AT&T dropped call commercials dating back to last year were funny. I would like to know where I can find them on the web?

  20. #20 POSTED BY Fran, Mar 27th, 2008 10:14 pm

    I also love this commercial especially. For some reason I’m intrigued by the actor who plays “Kenny”. I’ve seen him in other stuff. I think he sometimes plays a thug, maybe the big dumb one??? I might even go so far as to contact BBDO in California & see if they can tell me his name.

  21. [...] is an older AT&T commercial that we posted back in August, Cingular AT&T Dropped Calls | Meat Dept., but still is popular today.  So rock on Meatloaf’s AT&T Paradise by the GoPhone Light. [...]

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