Update: 4/14/08: If you liked, hated or felt indifferent about this post… Come check out my latest about the Catholic Church:
The Pope hits the U.S. Will he solve the rape issues?
Cult leader versus Pope, hilarious attack on the Catholic Church by Bill Maher
Who has $615 million dollars to just throw around? The answer to that question is the Catholic Church. Who also has the money to suppress a lot of bad press? The answer again is the Catholic Church. Who doesn’t have the decency to stay out of little boys pants? Again… The Catholic Church.
Here is a few quotes I found interesting in an :
Of the monies paid out by the church, 526 million dollars went to settling cases…
Around 23 million dollars was paid out for therapy for victims or support for accused offenders, and 60 million dollars for legal fees, said the report, which was commissioned by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
McKiernan estimated that more than 5,000 priests out of nearly 41,500 across the United States have been denounced for sexually abusing children since the 1950s.
A report commissioned in 2004 by the USCCB from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Washington found that nearly 4,400 priests had been accused of abuse.
In the last year, about 689 new allegations of abuse were lodged, that is only three percent fewer than in 2006. A lot of the cases settled in 2007 dated back decades. Of course most of the victims were teenage boys between 10 and 14.
Between 2006 and 2007 alone, “expenditure related to allegations increased by 54 percent,” due mainly to a near-doubling of the amount paid out for settlements in 2007, it said, showing that other pay-outs had fallen.
But Terry McKiernan, president of the organization Bishop Accountability, which documents the abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic church, said the report by the bishops was opaque and fudged the number of clergymen who have been accused of sexually abusing children.
“Because the report is only counting and not actually naming the priests, we are not able to determine which of these allegations pertain to priests already accused and which pertain to new priests,” McKiernan told AFP by phone from Boston.
I am not attacking the Catholic Church, but if you think about it in terms of a different company [not a non-profit organization] like Pizza Hut, Dell or Microsoft then people would boycott those companies. The companies would look horrible in the press, and people would begin to seek out other options for their pizza and computer needs. With all the bad press, even the stuff quickly suppressed, people still sit through church every Sunday and then some. No one cares what the Churches do, they are holy, and untouchable.
To be quite honest, I believe that all churches are the same, but Scientology, Christianity, Catholicism, ect. are all the same. They brainwash their community into getting more followers, followers of God they brainwashed you to assume. Or just more people to pay out of their pocket so they can afford to stay afloat after the millions of dollars spent on sex abuse cases. Sad thing is, people, tax payers, complain to no ends about paying for the containment of prisoners. But, when people think about giving money to the church, it is overlooked what they really spend their money on. Seriously, think about how much money you all just wasted by throwing it at the Catholic Churches blunders. Think twice before you put money into their collection plate, I bet it goes into the “Sex Abuse” folder instead of the petty cash.
Tags: catholic, catholicism, church, god, pope, Religion, sex abuse, sexual abuse
What other organization (profit or not) could get away with such behavior. Imagine for a second that Ford was behind this story. “Ford pays 615 million dollars in 2007, for child abuse that it caused…” Ford would be done. All the religious folks would be holding up signs, telling everyone that Ford is evil…” Since its religion, they get away with it. If it was Ford, no one would buy a Ford car again but since it’s religion based…I’m guessing everyone will show up on Sunday and give to help the offender. Where is the Fred Phelps crew when you need them? You would think that they would be all over this one.
Next time you are asked to give part of your check to the church, remember what it is for, paying off pedophilia behavior (in part). Is your 10% really what you think it’s for?
If this was any other company (organization), it would be disaster.
Why does “faith” not recognize such despicable actions?
How can you go to church and pray to an organization that has repeatedly hidden and paid off such behavior?
This is a disgusting ordeal, I hate how the Church is protected by all this bullshit. It is utterly ridiculous how it continues to happen time and time again.
no kidding. i am really disgusted by this news. the sheeple need to wake up and realize that the churches should be responsible for this. they should not be allowed to cover it up and move the offender to another city to do it all over again.
that is just wrong. i am sure jesus would not approve.
Agreed Joe, I am glad people actually think instead of sheep around and never do anything.
Think about Michael Jackson and his sex abuse cases… Everyone HATES him, I still enjoy his music, but when everyone thinks MJ they cringe. Priests are still in good light. Why?
“… but when everyone thinks MJ they cringe. Priests are still in good light. Why?”
Because MJ is only one person. There are 10s of 1000s of priests in the US, and only a very small percentage [similar percentage to school teachers committing this abuse] (look it up), have done this.
Correct, teachers and priests never get any shit for the wrongful things they do. But with teachers it is not like they devoted their life to their religion…
Priests are just dirty old bastards who get away with it because they say “god made me do it” or some bullshit… or they repent.
Religion is the most idiotic organization… I realize people need hope but seriously, what is there to hope for? If Christians, Jewish, Catholics, ect. wanted to actually do something they would fight against the issues like GLOBAL WARMING and ANIMAL EXTINCTION DUE TO POACHING, but no… all they do is sit in their pews and beg for forgiveness and pray for world peace or whatever.
Ohh my Gosh!
everyone on here needs to
know what there talking about
before they OPEN there BIG DUMB FACES!
you dont know ANYTHING about the Catholic church
so shut up!
Lol at Nikkol… Honey, this is, was and always will be all over the media… Just no one sees it because they hush it down since they are so powerful.
So when you say things like “know what there talking about
before they OPEN there BIG DUMB FACES!” maybe you should think before you put THERE in place of THEIR. KTHX you moron.
Oh and, the CAPS LOCK BUTTON really isn’t your friend, stop using it.
Go pick up the book Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss, maybe you’ll learn a few things about sticklers… and a few things about what is wrong with you. You can buy it on
“Fighting Against GLOBAL WARMING and ANIMAL EXTINCTION DUE TO POACHING” This has nothing to do with the topic here, except maybe:
1. Fanatics see fighting GLOBAL WARMING etc. as a religion too LOL :)
2. People are always argueing about Religion just like GLOBAL WARMING. There are disagreements about GLOBAL WARMING among the scientific community, some claim it is a cyclical and it is normal. (Look it up in the scientific journals).
Bubba, you missed the point of it… Why spend so much money on stupid shit like their priests being sick sodomizing bastards… instead of spending it on something worth while…
Whatever, you missed the point. You fail.
happy easter, i am 50 years old,recently divorced,lost my home, unemployed on sickness benifit for the last 12 months, no car ,living in the bush, on rent, on my own with a dog and a lap top computer. .my brother and i were sexually abused by a priest years ago for years in melbourne and brisbane and i also was abused by a brother from de la salle ,scarborough qld, i am not handling my life very well at all …i contacted (pso) in january and gee wizz i am still waiting to sign my contact report..my brother and i contacted (my part time contact person) 4 weeks ago and we had to meet her in the middle of brisbane city at 9.am on a monday morning in a cold day rented office (her choice not mine) ..after that meeting we have had no contact what so ever despite my numerous lots of attemps to ring her ,asking her for 4 weeks to return my calls (regarding the progress of the report i have to sign) and she doesnt, again gee wizz ,i am and feel frustrated,depressed,confused and bewielded by the people who you are trying to trust and release indept details to, really should care ,,really,,dont care…. can people (men) help me as a man to get through the insensitive women who think they understand and know everythink.? …..gee wiz. where who what why and when should be asked about the principles and procedures of “towards healing”. part time people(women),rented by day offices,no pr skills, no empathy,no return calls ect..they havernt even reinbursed my travell costs i had to pay for for which they said they would..and i still wait….i left a message asking for councelling and still no reply ..WTF……………………….
[...] in March, I wrote the bit about the Catholic Church spending Catholic Church spent $615 million on sexual abuse cases in 2007. Honestly though, even if the Pope does not resolve even half the issues involved, it really [...]
[...] to Yahoo, Of the monies paid out by the church, 526 million dollars went to settling [...]
hey sarah u said in one of your comment about another news but still linked to this one: `Michael Jackson molesting little boys like Catholic priests.`
I suggest you to correct your sentence in some catholic priests cuz most of them are good persons.
thank you
Alex, if you were grammatically correct I would edit to be politically correct. Thank you.