September 16th, 2008
SNL | Lil Wanye’s Saggin’ Pants
by: Stuart

Maybe I’m just getting old but saggin’ pants has been going on for about 10 years and it’s an increasing trend with both hip hop and skaters alike.

Here is a little saggin’ history:

“In prison you aren’t allowed to wear belts to prevent self-hanging or the hanging of others,” said Mathis, who at 17 once served eight months in jail. “They take the belt and sometimes your pants hang down. The same with no shoestrings in your shoes. You aren’t allowed to have shoestrings. Many cultures of the prison have overflowed into the community unfortunately.”

Saggin’ also has sexual connotations in prison.

“Those who pulled their pants down the lowest and showed their behind a little more raw, that was an invitation,” said Mathis. “[The youth] don’t know this part about it. I always tease and tell them that they better be caref