Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
June 30th, 2008
Dewmocracy Tug-of-War
by: Sarah

Which Dew do you do?  Personally I’m all for the original flavor, in diet of course, but I suppose these new flavors might be worth a shot.  The vote is down to Supernova, Voltage and Revolution so get your vote on, you have until July 31st!

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June 14th, 2008
I’m voting Republican
by: Sarah

Just a funny video trying to tell people to GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!  It’s message is real, but the way they go about it is pretty damn funny, so enjoy!

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Info: Posted June 14th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Politics, The Internet, Video
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May 7th, 2008
Beware Celebrity Endorsement a Tom Hanks film
by: Sarah

Beware celebrity endorsement is right, just because Tom Hanks spoke fancy words doesn’t mean you have to follow his lead. But oddly enough his little moment will help many people decide who to vote for.  Obama has other celebrities backing him up: Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen and Jessica Alba.

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May 7th, 2008
Seattle news report with tons of insight in the technology of the near future
by: Sarah

Wow, that is quite the video there. This reports on Chrysler’s offer to cap gas prices, which have skyrocketed to a whopping $3.63 in my area recently, to $2.99 a gallon. Of course they have their stipulations, but who doesn’t.

Microsoft has signed a world wide deal with Kia and Hyundai so their customers will have the ability to use voice commands to control a number of different features with the use of their in-car software. For already is in the contract with Microsoft, but theirs will expire in November.

T-mobile has already launched their 3G network in New York, but now they have announced that Seattle is the next lucky city to get their 4x faster download speed. The new network launch will take place this fall, so get ready you Seattleites.

I don’t know many Zune people, but there are some out there, and this should excite them. Microsoft Zune fans will soon have the ability to download popular t.v. shows directly to their Zune!! At $1.99 each you can get shows like South Park, Battle Star Galactica, Heroes and my favorite The Office.

Webby Awards took place and guess who are the winners! That is correct, buzz travels fast, but Colbert is the Webby Person of the Year for connecting to his fans using the Internet. Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas won Webby Artist of the Year for his music video supporting Barack Obama. A few others are

Best Political Blog - Huffington Post

Best Cultural Blog - Post Secret

Best in the Politics category -

Best Community - Flickr

All that in one video, how informational! Enjoy!

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April 9th, 2008
McCain responds to McCain Girls
by: Sarah

His response cannot be genuine, his ladies are god awful compared to the sexy Obama girls, Obama got it good when they signed on… The Raining McCain video is dreadful, and their new one Here Comes McCain Again is just as bad.  Fortunately the new McCain Girls video got kicked off YouTube for copyright infringement.

Oh, from the lead singer of the trio, she definitely threw her two cents in the pot on this one.

To be honest though, the horrid green screen was my favorite part.  I laughed as the dinosaur disappeared in the background in her green blouse.

Here is their YouTube channel, I don’t recommend subscribing to it, but there might be some tone deaf person out there who actually enjoys the sounds falling out of their mouths.

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April 7th, 2008
How do you feel about assisted suicide? Or suicide machines?
by: Sarah

Suicide Machine
Suicide Machine invented by Roger Kusch

Roger Kusch
Roger Kusch

Roger Kusch, a former top-level German politician, has invented what he calls a “suicide machine.” The machine is aimed at patients who are terminally ill and want to die. Unfortunately it seems that the medical community, German politicians and churches are having a cow about Kusch’s presentation of the killing machine.

From my point of view the machine sounds good, those who know they are going to die are able to suicide painlessly? I know, it sounds morbid, but think about it. What is worse than dying? Suffering as your health fades, your mind fades and then you’re a vegetable that depends on the care of others to sustain life for those last days.

I have had people close to me pass after a long illness, and I loved every minute I got with them, but for the pain involved, physical as well as emotion, it might not be worth it to some. True, not everyone who is dying has the same experience, but from what I have seen… It isn’t a walk in the park.

Some jerk named Wolfgang Huber, the head of Germany’s Lutheran Church, says that, “society must help terminally ill patients deal with their pain rather then accepting suicide as an option.” Well my question is, does he have a disease that is only giving him 6 months to live? If not, he needs to sit down and shut up. The only people who should get to vote for or against the use of a suicide booth should be the terminally ill community. Huber says, “it is against the spirit of our ethics, the spirit of our ethical tradition, the spirit of the Christian image of a human person and against the spirit of our law.” Well screw that, spirits and Christian’s can suck it and believe in God when they are the ones on the chopping block of life.

Kudos to Kusch:

“To those who criticize me, I say: it is none of your business,” Kusch said angrily when confronted with the criticism. He says churches and politicians are using phony and cynical arguments and that he believes a majority of Germans have already accepted assisted suicide as an option.

“There are people who are suffering, and who can’t deal with the pain anymore, and I want to help those people.”


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March 23rd, 2008
McCain Girls - Raining McCain
by: Sarah

Oh my, this is rather disturbing.  The McCain girls are a little , uh, not sexy.  Apparently Obama lucked out when was his quirky supporter, but these girls just make McCain look sad.

I mean, the song itself is funny, but the singing is dreadful, they would be kicked off American Idol before they even hit their second note.  It is so off key that my dog looked at my laptop oddly and ran off as the song played in the background.  Lucky for me Styx is on the radio drowning out Raining McCain.

Poor McCain, some sexier ladies should support him. GO!

My favorite part though was when the older lady in green kept disappearing in the green screens, love it!

I’m gonna go out and let myself get absolutely John McCain!

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Info: Posted March 23rd, 2008  in Audio Visual, Internet, Politics, Video, Viral
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March 19th, 2008
Obama’s big speech on race
by: Sarah

I was searching around to read responses about Barack Obama’s huge self-written speech when I stumbled on one man’s rant. The speech in itself is interesting, the fact that Obama wrote it himself makes it better. It is particularly long but well worth the watch. Obama went against the trend of just denouncing bad publicity by speaking out against something that means something to him.

The other blogger seems to think that this speech has put Obama in a bad position for his campaign. But, I think otherwise, this from-the-heart speech will probably in the end help him in his campaign. All Americans want is the truth, and by Obama speaking out on these issues instead of slandering Clinton he just made himself more appealing.

Although Skeet Skeet is right, that was a ballsy move.

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Info: Posted March 19th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Politics, Video
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March 11th, 2008
Spitzer either quits or gets impeached
by: Sarah

spitzer prostitute

Update!  Don’t worry, he resigned.

Yesterday we heard word of Governor Spitzer’s little mishap with a $1,000 per hour hooker. Today the word is that the New York Republicans are saying that if he doesn’t resign in 48 hours that they will turn to impeachment.

For those who haven’t heard the news, and I would be shocked if they hadn’t:

A New York Times report said the man who made his name fighting corruption hired a $1,000-an-hour prostitute and was caught on a federal wiretap at least six times on Feb. 12 and 13 arranging to meet with her at a Washington hotel. Spitzer has neither confirmed nor denied the report.

The Gov. has since apologized to his family but has not made reference to the allegations. Best of luck Gov. you royally effed that one up for you, take a look at Bill Clinton and his reputation.


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March 9th, 2008
3 A.M. political ad girl supports the opposing side
by: Sarah

Here is a girl who strongly supports Obama in his campaign, but she appears to ’support’ in a commercial. When she was younger, she was a television extra and the companies own all of her footage. used her footage in one of her campaign commercials and when the girl saw it I’m sure she was a little shocked, if not appalled. If I was in a Clinton, or Obama, ad I am sure I wouldn’t be too happy.

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Info: Posted March 9th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Commercials, Government, Politics, Video
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