Archive for the ‘Government’ Category
April 3rd, 2008
Arkansas law changed, toddlers can no longer marry
by: Sarah

Baby Wedding PictureAccidents happen, but this one is ridiculous, in Arkansas they passed a law that allowed anyone to marry.  When I say anyone, I even mean kids.  Granted the kids needed permission from parents in order to get the marriage license, but that law just made the state look even worse.

The accident happened when they tried to make the law for no persons under 18 to marry without parental consent, but accidentally allowed everyone and their brother to marry.

Lucky for them, they caught it before a couple of puppy-love-struck 13 year olds tried to get married.


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Info: Posted April 3rd, 2008  in Government, Newsmakers, Stupid People
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March 11th, 2008
Spitzer either quits or gets impeached
by: Sarah

spitzer prostitute

Update!  Don’t worry, he resigned.

Yesterday we heard word of Governor Spitzer’s little mishap with a $1,000 per hour hooker. Today the word is that the New York Republicans are saying that if he doesn’t resign in 48 hours that they will turn to impeachment.

For those who haven’t heard the news, and I would be shocked if they hadn’t:

A New York Times report said the man who made his name fighting corruption hired a $1,000-an-hour prostitute and was caught on a federal wiretap at least six times on Feb. 12 and 13 arranging to meet with her at a Washington hotel. Spitzer has neither confirmed nor denied the report.

The Gov. has since apologized to his family but has not made reference to the allegations. Best of luck Gov. you royally effed that one up for you, take a look at Bill Clinton and his reputation.


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March 9th, 2008
3 A.M. political ad girl supports the opposing side
by: Sarah

Here is a girl who strongly supports Obama in his campaign, but she appears to ’support’ in a commercial. When she was younger, she was a television extra and the companies own all of her footage. used her footage in one of her campaign commercials and when the girl saw it I’m sure she was a little shocked, if not appalled. If I was in a Clinton, or Obama, ad I am sure I wouldn’t be too happy.

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Info: Posted March 9th, 2008  in Audio Visual, Commercials, Government, Politics, Video
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March 6th, 2008
No Google mapping of U.S. Military Bases
by: Sarah

google mapsFor those looking for the inside view of those super cool military bases using Google Maps Street View then your plans have been thwarted!  The Pentagon has announced the ban of Google Earth teams driving on their bases to make a detailed street-level video map.

All of the Defense Department bases and installations around the country received the message to not allow the Google teams on their facilities.

Michael Kucharek, spokesman for U.S. Northern Command, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the decision was made after crews were allowed access to at least one base. He said military officials were concerned that allowing the 360-degree, street-level video could provide sensitive information to potential adversaries and endanger base personnel.

Google Maps may zoom a little too close



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March 3rd, 2008
SNL | Hillary Clinton opener
by: Sarah

Here is the clip including Senator Hillary Clinton when she opened for Saturday Night Live March 1st.

The scene starts out with the heated boring debate that took place the Tuesday before.

The Hillary parts were dry, but listening to the Bullwinkle, I mean Obama impression, that was funny.

Here is the SNL | Barack Obama opener, which was pretty good at the time, and his ever enticing top ten list of campaign promises.  But don’t forget the Viva Obama, these amigos support Obama.

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February 23rd, 2008
Viva Obama, these amigos support Obama
by: Sarah

Viva Obama! Wow, I saw this, only because a friend linked me to it, but seriously wow.

This group is here to rock on with Obama, check out their video to help promote the Viva Obama attitude.

The Amigos de Obama website has the video, and you can even download the song to always Viva Obama!

Amigos de Obama and the Como Se Dice? Como Se Llama? OBAMA! OBAMA! ‘08 outreach campaign was created to fill a void in media outreach to Latinos. Every election year, last minute, anemic voter registration drives yield little success. Media campaigns often consist of TV spots showing candidates speaking a few words of Spanish in an attempt to win Latino votes or attack ads about ‘illegal aliens’ to scare non-Latino voters.

Now I must go, time to go to my favorite restaurant in town, Mi Ranchito!

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Info: Posted February 23rd, 2008  in Government, Music, Politics, Video, Viral
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February 13th, 2008
Another case of crazy officers, man arrested over mistaking his MP3 Player for firearms
by: Sarah

4g philips gogearI just read over at Engadget about more crazy police officers. Any suspicious movements can have the feds pointing the barrels of their guns straight at you. When UK’s Darren Nixon, the mild-mannered mechanic, was on his way home from work when he was surrounded by police, with guns drawn. He apparently appeared to have a gun in his pocket, when all he really had was his 4GB Philips GoGear.

The police went through the trouble of tracking him on CCTV, arresting at gunpoint, swabbed for DNA, fingerprinting and throwing Nixon in a cell. Sounds like a lot of work for this simple misunderstanding, I mean, his music probably was bad but it definitely does not warrant that much work.

After the team of Mentat cops realized their mistake, they couldn’t even offer an apology, said Nixon, “They just dropped me off at home and said a quick ’sorry for any inconvenience’, and that was all I got from them, which I thought was pretty out of order.”

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Info: Posted February 13th, 2008  in Government, Portable Audio, Random News
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January 26th, 2008
Mitt Romney - Who Let the Dogs Out?
by: DS

I don’t think I have ever seen anyone look more uncomfortable than Mitt in this clip. Then he shows how in touch he is by saying “Who let the dogs out, who who”.

It’s just embarrassing.

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Info: Posted January 26th, 2008  in Celeb News, Government, Newsmakers, Politics
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December 28th, 2007
Ron Paul reacts to Benazir Bhutto’s death
by: Sarah

Presidential candidate Ron Paul voices his opinion about the death of Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto.

Bhutto led Pakistan from 1988-1990 and 1993-96, but both times the sitting president dismissed her amid corruption allegations. She was the first female prime minister of any Islamic nation.

Ron Paul also goes on to talk about how he feels about the war,

“Here we are right now we’ve supported Turkey all these years and turkey now is using our weapons and our money to bomb North Iraq, this has to quit.  How long can we continue to do this?  It just doesn’t serve out interest at all.” Ron Paul puts his opinion plain and simple.  Listen to his views on aiding other countries, he has interesting points.  He does not agree with the whole they don’t obey, we bomb them idea.

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Info: Posted December 28th, 2007  in Government, World News
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December 10th, 2007
Fresh Prince of Bel Air talks about running for President
by: Sarah

Will SmithWill Smith, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, wants to be President.  His ultimate goal was to be the first black President, but with Obama in the race for the 2008 election he may not have the chance for that title.

Smith has huge plans to help American healthcare and homelessness, things that he doesn’t see President Bush accomplishing in the final stint of his Presidency.

“The basis of human sanity is physical survival, right? So I’d start with universal healthcare and shelter. I can’t see that happening under Bush. Too many bad things have happened under his presidency.

“I don’t believe he is an evil man, I just think he has an unevolved perspective. It’s a good thing he’s served his time. Now it’s time for Barack Obama.”

Smith is a big supporter of Obama’s bid for the Democrat nomination for the 2008 election.

He’s reportedly contributed to Obama’s campaign and made a video with other Hollywood stars in support. The actor has also expressed a desire to play the Illinois senator in a film of his life.

You can read the rest of that in the article posted .

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Info: Posted December 10th, 2007  in Celeb Gossip, Celeb News, Government
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